Trouble-shooting - a service that solves people’s problems! 
Any problems, any of the people.


Trouble-shooting – expert services in the field of solving problems of any complexity, determined by the application of innovative approach to complex situations and provides 100% desired result

Trouble-shooting ("shoot the problems") - a new trend in the business world, designed to address the internal and external crises for companies, firms and individuals, without involving a third party attention. Today in the world there are no more than 100 highly qualified specialists in the Trouble-shooting field. In the CIS, they are less than ten. They are all quite secretive, prefer not to advertise their work, run privately, and never divulge the names of their clients.

As a result, their clients (usually companies), successfully cope with internal and external crises, the media praise the leadership of wise decisions, the public relations department and the anti-crisis managers are paid with bonuses for a coordinated and correct tactical actions. At the same time, some nondescript guy goes out through the back door and quietly carries with it the mystery of the solution. The Trouble-shooters services are not cheap.

It is unlikely that you will meet in daily life a trouble-shooting specialist, who openly will tell you about his work and techniques. Nevertheless, a couple of Trouble-shooters shared their success stories.

Story 1 - USA. The two New York firms where in the business of annual publication of a "yellow pages" handbook type. Both companies’ directories ("yellow pages") were almost identical in form thickness, published information and the price. Things were going well. But soon one of the companies could not compete and start to suffer losses. All of the anti-crisis measures taken by the management did not help. It was decided to try the services of an experienced Trouble-shooting specialist. He came just for a half an hour. He listened to the boss of the company, and then said only one sentence: "Start to produce your “Yellow Pages” directory in smaller format, but thicker." That's all. The Trouble-shooting specialist got his check and silently withdrew. Soon the business of the nominated company went to the mountain, and two months later their competitor broke. Marketers have decided to analyze the reasons for this rapid success. It turned out all pretty banal. People started buying the “Yellow pages” directory in smaller format, as it was more convenient to use and takes up less space on the desktop. In addition, the customers felt that a thicker guide contains more information and, therefore, it is worth buying.

Story 2 - AFRICA. The famous Nike Company has to save the budget and decided to open a factory for the production of shoes in one of the poorest countries in Africa. It seemed as the economic benefit is obvious: cheap labor, the lack of strict safety standards, and so on. But after a few months, the company began to suffer losses. The guardians and other staff began to massively steal products. The company auditors said that entire villages began to walk in the same shoes, the cost of a pair of which was equal to the annual income of a family in the nominated villages. The Nike management employs more protection, but the situation did not changed. The company management come up with new and new ways to prevent theft: have installed surveillance cameras, even though to invite the guardians from United States, but in this case, the costs would have increased by several times. The last hope was the Trouble-shooting specialist. He thought for a moment, and then proposed to divide the output. In one country there must be produced only the right shoes, and in the near country - only the left. The result impressed. Thefts have stopped completely. Production flourished, and the costs reduced.

Many of you will wonder, "Why do I need these stories? I do not have a big business." Before telling the 3rd story, came from our company practice in Republic of Moldova, we would like to underline that the Trouble-shooting services and practices are applicable to any of the businesses of all of the sizes. In any business there is at least one or two of the key problems which could be a serious stumbling block to the company development. We start our work by identifying your key issues and offering you the possible solutions. For us it is important that you will quickly recoup the investment made in the recommended solution and the cost of our services.

Story 3 - MOLDOVA. A small Moldovan company, specialized in a business of selling used cars, conceived to develop their business and open a new platform for the vehicles sales in Chisinau city. However, Chisinau has a lot of cars selling sites, new sites are hard to find and on existing platforms the rent price for 1 parking place (vehicle parking place) is more than 30 Euros per month. The task was to find a ready-made territory which would be easy to use as specialized area for the vehicles sales, which has a substantial flow of potential customers (at least 100 passing cars per day) and where the cost of renting for 1 parking space (about 20 square meters) is less than 30 Euros per month. We will not delve into the details of the definition and search for a solution, except to say that putting a cost of paying 3 hours of our services (less than 500 Euro), our client has signed a lease contract for 20 parking places at the price of 13 Euros per month for 1 parking place, on a territory owned by a well-known local Fuel-Station Retail chain, next to the Fuel-station, where the stream of passing cars (potential customers) is not less than 400 vehicles per day. Thereby our customer solved the problem of placing the new vehicles sales site with a monthly budget of 260 Euros, instead of the planned 600 Euros per month. That is to say, investing in our services a little less than 500 Euros, our client solved his issue, signed a long-term lease contract for 20 car parking places, corresponding to 100% of its requests, even with savings of 340 Euros per month. The cost of our services has paid off in the first 2 months of operation, and sales of cars from this area exceed our customer expectations.

In the CIS countries, the practice of the Trouble-shooting services is very little spread. The main reason - the lack of truly intelligent professionals who would think non-ordinary and which would accept to remain unknown, without making a name for themselves, or to hit the jackpot, "pluming" the information about the company's problems to its competitors. Still, you can find experts, and they cope with their work skillfully.

The Trouble-shooting service applies not only to business entities. Professionals have a high level demand in politics and society. Even some married couples in crisis relationship, are ready to use the Trouble-shooting services. Frequent are also the situations where the middle level managers or senior executives, searching a solution to their problem, calls for the confidentially service of a Trouble-shooting specialist. As a result, the manager, after spending a certain amount of its own funds for the Trouble-shooting service receives the right decision, which leads to a positive result, the bosses are happy, and the manager is encouraged with a bonus or even carrier growth.

As the majority of experts confirms, the most intractable crises are associated with the war or religious conflicts. In both cases, to reach a compromise is difficult, because people are not seeking economic benefits, but fight for moral principles. In other situations, the solution is relatively easy, especially when the expert analyze the situation from outside.

Insoluble situations in life, practically does none exist. Sometimes, searching for the right solutions, it is necessary to go beyond the standard thinking and look at the situation through the eyes of an outside observer. Perhaps the solution will come by itself. And if not, it can be call for a Trouble-shooting service. It helps to find a solution, save your money, nerves and reputation.

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